Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let's Share The Goodness of GFCF Treats

My son , who is autistic , has been following a GFCF diet since the beginning of this year. The most challenging part of this diet is breakfast. He has to switch to rice milk and he can no longer eat the breads and cakes we bought or those I bake with wheat flour. There are not many bakery shops that sell GFCF food here in Singapore and if are, they are EXPENSIVE!!

Thank goodness I love baking and I have since been reading up books from the library about baking GFCF. GFCF baking is not that difficult, after many trials and errors, and in fact GFCF products are very much more nutritious than those baked with wheat flour.

So if you or anyone of your loved ones have food intolerance and is following a GFCF diet, do share your experience and recipes .

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